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Support group for parents of LGBTI youths

Support group for parents of LGBTI youths

The GLAS Foundation, in collaboration with The “Bilitis Resource Center” Foundation and The LGBT Youth organization “Deystvie”, conducts a monthly support group for parents of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transsexual youths. The group’s moderator is a psychotherapist who is experienced in parental counselling and working with LGBT people. During the meetings the participants have the opportunity to understand more about what LGBTI means, to learn to overcome their fears and prejudices, and to accept and love their children unconditionally.

Information is properly presented and experiences are shared in a well-meaning environment. This helps the parents in the group to overcome their conflicting feeling and lack of knowledge, and to form strong and happy families. In order to achieve this, the GLAS Foundation has created a specialized handbook for parents of LGBT children, which can be easily read and downloaded from the organization’s website –

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