Community Voices
Community Voices
GLAS Foundation, in partnership with Bilitis Foundation, the Association of European Journalists-Bulgaria and Oslo Pride, has launched the Community Voices project, implemented with financial support from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA Financial Mechanism. The project is biennial, will last until August 2023 and is worth 106,215 euros.
The project is a direct response to the large-scale campaign against human rights, based on misinformation and hate speech against LGBTI people. The specific goal of the project is communication measures to overcome negative stereotypes about vulnerable groups in society who are victims of hate speech, which is why trainings for communication and media presence of LGBTI leaders, information seminars for journalists from the country and a large-scale a communication campaign disproving the myths of LGBTI people, genders and the third sex (including video, outdoor advertising, interactive website) are planned.
One way to achieve this goal will be to raise people’s awareness and knowledge of LGBTI people through public campaigns to break down stereotypes and myths. Other key activities include exchanging experiences with Norwegian partners in order to build capacity and raise citizens’ awareness of the social policy in Norway, incl. and through media appearances by Norwegian experts.
The project is aimed at the general public, journalists, LGBTI people, their parents and advocates.
More information about the Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria can be found at